Meet Deborah

1. What motivated you to get involved in this ministry?What is your "why"? 

Throughout the last few years, God has been showing me His sheer desire for His followers to love others in practical ways, especially those He considers “the least of these my brethren.” More than weekly forms and services, He desires human connection through service - feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting those in prison, and providing healing to the broken. (“I desire mercy, not sacrifice.”) When Kim contacted me about the Lighted Garden Ministry, I knew that this was the perfect opportunity for me to put my faith into action. Me being involved in this ministry does not recommend me to God, but it is because of His unmerited love toward me that I can respond to His love by working for His kingdom.

 2. How has God been leading you so far? 

God has been leading me in two crystal clear ways: He hit home the message of righteousness by faith through the true meaning of the Sabbath day. More than “right day” vs. “wrong day” theology, Sabbath stands for creation, freedom from bondage, complete trust in God, and receiving Jesus’s character in order to help other people the same way that Jesus did. The second way He has led me is manifesting His heart for social justice and helping the oppressed. These two truths have fueled my spirituality. 

 3. How do you visualize the future of this ministry?

 I visualize a thriving garden with volunteers from the community working in the garden and many souls saved as a result of the love and relationships cultivated through the Lighted Garden Ministry. 

 4. What are some of your hobbies/interests? 

I like doing artsy crafts, listening to and playing music, reading meaningful books, and enjoying nature.